§3-4A-6 Acquisition of vote recording devices by purchase or lease; acquisition of use of automatic tabulating equipment; counting centers.

§3-4A-6. Acquisition of vote recording devices by purchase or lease; acquisition of use of automatic tabulating equipment; counting centers.
(a) A county commission may acquire vote recording devices by any one or any combination of the following methods:

(1) By purchasing the same and paying the purchase price in cash from funds available from the maximum general levy or from any other lawful source; and

(2) By leasing the same under written contract of lease and paying the rentals in cash from funds available from the maximum general levy or any other lawful source.

(b) A county commission may acquire the use of automatic tabulating equipment by leasing or renting the same under written contract of lease or rental and paying the rentals therefor in cash from funds available from the maximum general levy or other lawful source.

(c) A county commission may enter into an agreement with another county commission to share automatic tabulating equipment if the automatic tabulating equipment may be transported to the appropriate central counting centers. No ballots may be transported for counting in any county other than the county in which the votes were cast.

(d) A county commission is authorized to accept as a gift the use of suitable automatic tabulating equipment.

(e) The county commission may also secure a counting center.