§29C-2-301 State and local government employees.

§29C-2-301. State and local government employees.
(a) The governor may appoint and commission such number of state and local government employees as notaries public, to act for and in behalf of their respective state and local government offices, as he deems proper. An appointee commissioned as a notary public under this section may act only for and in behalf of the government office or offices in which he is employed.

(b) An appointee under this section shall meet the requirements for qualification and appointment prescribed in article two of this chapter except that the head of the state or local government office where the applicant is employed may execute a certificate that the application is made for the purposes of the office and in the public interest and submit it to the governor together with the application for appointment as a notary public, in which case the fee for appointment specified in article two, section two hundred two, is waived.

(c) The costs of all notary supplies for a commissioned state or local government employee shall be paid from funds available to the office in which he is employed.

(d) All fees received for notarial services by a notary public appointed for and in behalf of a state or local government office shall be remitted by him to the state or local government office in which he is employed.

(e) A notary public who is an employee of a state or local government office in this state must comply with all provisions of this chapter.