§29C-5-104 Certified facsimiles of documents; procedure; form.

§29C-5-104. Certified facsimiles of documents; procedure; form.
(a) A notary public may certify a facsimile of a document if he receives a signed written request stating that:

(1) A certified copy or facsimile of the document cannot be obtained from the office of any recorder of public documents or custodian of documents in this state; and

(2) The production of a facsimile, preparation of a copy or certification of a copy of the document does not violate any state or federal law.

(b) Every notary public shall retain a facsimile of each document he has certified as a facsimile of another document, together with other papers or copies relating to his notarial acts.

(c) The certification of a facsimile shall be substantially in the following form:

State of __________________ County of _________________.

I, _______________________ (name of notary), a notary public in and for said state, do certify that on ____________ (date) I carefully compared the attached facsimile of _________________ (type of document) and the facsimile I now hold in my possession. They are complete, full, true and exact facsimiles of the document they support to reproduce.


(Official signature and official seal of notary)