§64-9-2 Commissioner of Agriculture.

§64-9-2. Commissioner of Agriculture.
(a) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the thirtieth day of July, two thousand eight, authorized under the authority of section five, article two, chapter nineteen, of this code, relating to the Commissioner of Agriculture (schedule of charges for inspection services: fruit, 61 CSR 8B), is authorized.

(b) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the twenty-ninth day of August, two thousand eight, authorized under the authority of section two, article nine, chapter nineteen, of this code, modified by the Commissioner of Agriculture to meet the objections of the legislative rule-making review committee and refiled in the state register on the twenty-first day of October, two thousand eight, relating to the Commissioner of Agriculture (animal disease control, 61 CSR 1), is authorized.

(c) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the thirtieth day of July, two thousand eight, authorized under the authority of section thirty-four-a, article nine, chapter nineteen, of this code, modified by the Commissioner of Agriculture to meet the objections of the legislative rule-making review committee and refiled in the state register on the twenty-ninth day of September, two thousand eight, relating to the Commissioner of Agriculture (disposal of dead poultry, 61 CSR 1C), is authorized.

(d) The legislative rule filed in the state register on the thirtieth day of July, two thousand eight, authorized under the authority of section three, article fourteen, chapter nineteen, of this code, modified by the Commissioner of Agriculture to meet the objections of the legislative rule-making review committee and refiled in the state register on the twenty-ninth day of September, two thousand eight, relating to the Commissioner of Agriculture (commercial feed, 61 CSR 5), is authorized.