Chapter 8 - Reopening Estates



2-8-101. After-discovered property or correction of propertydescription.


Thefinal settlement of an estate shall not prevent the reopening thereof for thepurpose of administering after-discovered property or for the correction of thedescription of the property administered, and final settlement shall notprevent the subsequent issue of letters if it becomes necessary for any causethat letters be issued again.


2-8-102. Contents of petition; notice of hearing.


Anyheir at law, devisee or creditor whose claim was allowed but not satisfied inthe original administration or other person interested may petition for thereopening of the estate upon the grounds specified in W.S. 2-8-101. Thepetition shall set forth the names of all heirs at law, devisees and creditorsand their address, if known. If the address is unknown to the petitioner heshall so state in the petition. Upon filing of the petition, the clerk shallappoint a day for hearing the petition and give notice thereof by mailing byregistered letter a copy of the notice to the heirs at law, devisees andcreditors named in the petition. Where an address is unknown notice shall beserved as provided in the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure.


2-8-103. Proceedings upon hearing; supplemental orders or decrees.


Uponhearing the petition, if due cause is shown, the court may reopen the estateand administer any after-discovered property and make any necessary orderscorrecting descriptions as to the estate administered therein. No proceedingsshall be taken by the court after the reopening of an estate except asnecessary to administer after-discovered property or to correct errors made inthe description of the estate previously administered. Any orders or decrees ofthe court made necessary by the reopening of the estate shall be designated assupplemental orders or decrees.