Chapter 13 - Displaced Worker Education And Training



27-13-101. Definitions.


(a) As used in this act:


(i) "Demand occupation" means an occupation in alabor market area in which the director determines that work opportunities areavailable and that there is not a surplus of qualified applicants;


(ii) "Director" means the director of the division;


(iii) "Displaced workers" means:


(A) Those workers unemployed due to plant closures orsubstantial plant layoffs;


(B) Workers eligible for retraining under the federal tradeadjustment assistance act;


(C) Unemployed workers otherwise affected by economic orindustrial changes which have resulted in loss or reduction of their employmentopportunities, as determined by the director.


(iv) "Division" means the department of workforceservices;


(v) "Local education or training agency" means:


(A) A board of trustees of a school district;


(B) A public or private educational institution or agencyhaving administrative control and direction of a vocational education program;


(C) A board of a community college district; or


(D) A board of cooperative educational services.


(vi) "Program" means:


(A) "Occupational transfer programs and retrainingservices" including:


(I) Services necessary to assist displaced workers inidentifying those skills they possess which are transferable to other relateddemand occupations;


(II) Education and training activities necessary to preparedisplaced workers for occupations to which their preexisting skills are readilytransferable.


(B) "Education and training program" including acourse or program of instruction which:


(I) Relates to an occupation or skill for which there are, orare expected to be in the immediate future, reasonable employment opportunitiesin the labor market area or areas in the state in which the participatingindividual intends to seek work and for which there is not a surplus of workerswith requisite skills in that area, as determined by the director;


(II) Ordinarily can be completed within one (1) year and isintended for the primary purpose of enabling participants to obtain immediateemployment in a demand occupation. The training shall not be primarily intendedto meet the requirements of any degree from a college, community college oruniversity.


(vii) "This act" means W.S. 27-13-101 through27-13-103.


27-13-102. Powers and duties; rules and regulations.


(a) The division shall, in conjunction with the department ofeducation, the business council, the department of employment, the workforcedevelopment council, the University of Wyoming and the community collegecommission, establish and maintain a plan to implement the occupationaltransfer and retraining programs and services for displaced workers createdunder this act. The plan shall designate:


(i) Responsibilities of state agencies in administering thisact;


(ii) Procedures for coordination between the state and localagencies and existing employment, training, education and other occupationallyrelated activities and resources in the state;


(iii) Procedures to encourage involvement on the part of labor,management, local government and local education and training agencies in theestablishment, operation and ongoing direction of programs to assist displacedworkers.


(b) The division shall:


(i) Identify statutes, rules and regulations which inhibit theimplementation of programs under this act;


(ii) Recommend modifications to or waivers of statutes, rulesand regulations to permit design of cost-effective programs under this act;


(iii) Annually report to the joint appropriations interimcommittee regarding programs under this act.


(c) The director may enter into contracts and agreements withlocal education or training agencies to implement this act.


(d) The governor, in consultation with the director, maypromulgate reasonable rules and regulations to implement this act.


27-13-103. Programs; funding.


(a) Programs established under this act shall be funded to the maximumextent feasible through existing federal, state and local resources, bothpublic and private. The plan required under W.S. 27-13-102(a) shall include anestimate of funds available from sources other than from the state.


(b) The division may, to the extent funded by the legislature,establish and maintain programs under this act.