§ 744. Investigations; fish propagation; investigations of damages by predacious fishes; executive assistance

The Secretary of the Interior or the Secretary of Commerce, as appropriate, shall prosecute investigations and inquiries on the subject, with the view of ascertaining whether any and what diminution in the number of the food fishes of the coast and the lakes of the United States has taken place; and, if so, to what causes the same is due; and also whether any and what protective, prohibitory, or precautionary measures should be adopted in the premises; and shall report upon the same to Congress. He is authorized and directed to conduct investigations and experiments for the purpose of ameliorating the damage wrought to the fisheries by dogfish and other predacious fishes and aquatic animals. Said investigations and experiments shall be such as to develop the best and cheapest means of taking such fishes and aquatic animals, of utilizing them for economic purposes, especially for food, and to encourage the establishment of fisheries and markets for them.
The heads of the several executive departments shall cause to be rendered all necessary and practicable aid to the Secretary in the prosecution of his investigations and inquiries.