§ 3561. Identification of errors made by executive agencies in payments to contractors and recovery of amounts erroneously paid

(a) Program Required.— The head of each executive agency that enters into contracts with a total value in excess of $500,000,000 in a fiscal year shall carry out a cost-effective program for identifying any errors made in paying the contractors and for recovering any amounts erroneously paid to the contractors.
(b) Recovery Audits and Activities.— A program of an executive agency under subsection (a) shall include recovery audits and recovery activities. The head of the executive agency shall determine, in accordance with guidance provided under subsection (c), the classes of contracts to which recovery audits and recovery activities are appropriately applied.
(c) OMB Guidance.— The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall issue guidance for the conduct of programs under subsection (a). The guidance shall include the following:
(1) Definitions of the terms “recovery audit” and “recovery activity” for the purposes of the programs.
(2) The classes of contracts to which recovery audits and recovery activities are appropriately applied under the programs.
(3) Protections for the confidentiality of—
(A) sensitive financial information that has not been released for use by the general public; and
(B) information that could be used to identify a person.
(4) Policies and procedures for ensuring that the implementation of the programs does not result in duplicative audits of contractor records.
(5) Policies regarding the types of contracts executive agencies may use for the procurement of recovery services, including guidance for use, in appropriate circumstances, of a contingency contract pursuant to which the head of an executive agency may pay a contractor an amount equal to a percentage of the total amount collected for the United States pursuant to that contract.
(6) Protections for a contractor’s records and facilities through restrictions on the authority of a contractor under a contract for the procurement of recovery services for an executive agency—
(A) to require the production of any record or information by any person other than an officer, employee, or agent of the executive agency;
(B) to establish, or otherwise have, a physical presence on the property or premises of any private sector entity for the purposes of performing the contract; or
(C) to act as agents for the Government in the recovery of funds erroneously paid to contractors.
(7) Policies for the appropriate types of management improvement programs authorized by section 3564 of this title that executive agencies may carry out to address overpayment problems and the recovery of overpayments.