§ 1482. Consultation for nomination and nomination of experts, negotiators, etc.; proposal of amendments to list of substances other than convention oil; Presidential acceptance of amendmen

(a) Nomination of experts and proposal of amendments to list of substances
The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, may nominate individuals to the list of experts provided for in article III of the convention and article II of the protocol and may propose amendments to the list of substances other than convention oil in accordance with article III of the protocol.
(b) Consultations for designation or nomination of negotiators, etc., provided for by convention and protocol
The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary, shall designate or nominate, as appropriate and necessary, the negotiators, conciliators, or arbitrators provided for by the convention and the protocol.
(c) Presidential acceptance of amendments to list of substances other than convention oil in accordance with protocol
The President may accept amendments to the list of substances other than convention oil in accordance with article III of the protocol.