§ 8262e. Federal energy cost accounting and management

(a) Guidelines
Not later than 120 days after October 24, 1992, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in cooperation with the Secretary, the Administrator of General Services, and the Secretary of Defense, shall establish guidelines to be employed by each Federal agency to assess accurate energy consumption for all buildings or facilities which the agency owns, operates, manages or leases, where the Government pays utilities separate from the lease and the Government operates the leased space. Such guidelines are to be used in reports required under section 8258 of this title. Each agency shall implement such guidelines no later than 120 days after their establishment. Each facility energy manager shall maintain energy consumption and energy cost records for review by the Inspector General, the Congress, and the general public.
(b) Contents of guidelines
Such guidelines shall include the establishment of a monitoring system to determine—
(1) which facilities are the most costly to operate when measured on an energy consumption per square foot basis or other relevant analytical basis;
(2) unusual or abnormal changes in energy consumption; and
(3) the accuracy of utility charges for electric and gas consumption.
(c) Federally leased space energy reporting requirement
The Administrator of General Services shall include, in each report submitted under section 8262a of this title, the estimated energy cost of leased buildings or space in which the Federal Government does not directly pay the utility bills.