§ 16657. Review and report on Headquarters Earth-Sun System Applied Sciences Program

(a) Review
The Administrator shall review the policies, processes, and procedures in the planning and management of applications research and development implemented in calendar years 2001 to 2005 within the Headquarters Earth-Sun System Applied Sciences Program and former Earth Science Applications Program. This review shall include—
(1) the program planning and analysis process used to formulate applied science research and development requirements, priorities, and solicitation schedules, including changes to the process within the period under review, and the effects of such planning on the quality and clarity of applied sciences research announcements;
(2) the peer review process including, but not limited to—
(A) membership selection, determination of qualifications, and use of NASA and non-NASA reviewers;
(B) management of conflicts of interest, including reviewers funded by the program with a significant consulting or contractual relationship with NASA, and individuals who both review proposals and participate in the submission of proposals under the same solicitation announcement; and
(C) compensation of non-NASA proposal reviewers;
(3) the process for assigning or allocating applied research to NASA researchers and to non-NASA researchers; and
(4) alternative models for NASA planning and management of applied science and applications research, including an evaluation of the relevance for NASA of—
(A) National Institutes of Health intramural and extramural research program structure, peer review process, management of conflicts of interests, compensation of reviewers, and the effects of compensation on reviewer efficiency and quality;
(B) the program and structure of, peer review process of, management of conflicts of interest by, compensation of reviewers of, and the effects of compensation on reviewer efficiency and quality within, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the Department of Agriculture;
(C) National Institutes of Health and Department of Agriculture best practices in the planning, selection, and management of applied sciences research and development; and
(D) any other relevant models.
(b) Report
Not later than 1 year after December 30, 2005, the Administrator shall transmit a report to the Committee on Science of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate describing the results of the review conducted under subsection (a). The report shall include a plan to ensure that the peer review process is transparent and selects proposals in a manner that instills public and stakeholder confidence.