§ 17321. Definitions

In this subchapter:
(1) Appropriate congressional committees
The term “appropriate congressional committees” means—
(A) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives; and
(B) the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, the Committee on Environment and Public Works, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.
(2) Clean and efficient energy technology
The term “clean and efficient energy technology” means an energy supply or end-use technology that, compared to a similar technology already in widespread commercial use in a recipient country, will—
(A) reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; or
(i) increase efficiency of energy production; or
(ii) decrease intensity of energy usage.
(3) Greenhouse gas
The term “greenhouse gas” means—
(A) carbon dioxide;
(B) methane;
(C) nitrous oxide;
(D) hydrofluorocarbons;
(E) perfluorocarbons; or
(F) sulfur hexafluoride.