§ 17334. Actions by Overseas Private Investment Corporation

(a) Sense of Congress
It is the sense of Congress that the Overseas Private Investment Corporation should promote greater investment in clean and efficient energy technologies by—
(1) proactively reaching out to United States companies that are interested in investing in clean and efficient energy technologies in countries that are significant contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions;
(2) giving preferential treatment to the evaluation and awarding of projects that involve the investment or utilization of clean and efficient energy technologies; and
(3) providing greater flexibility in supporting projects that involve the investment or utilization of clean and efficient energy technologies, including financing, insurance, and other assistance.
(b) Report
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation shall include in its annual report required under section 2200a of title 22
(1) a description of the activities carried out to implement this section; or
(2) if the Corporation did not carry out any activities to implement this section, an explanation of the reasons therefor.