§ 50302. Port development

(a) General Requirements.— With the objective of promoting, encouraging, and developing ports and transportation facilities in connection with water commerce over which the Secretary of Transportation has jurisdiction, the Secretary, in cooperation with the Secretary of the Army, shall—
(1) investigate territorial regions and zones tributary to ports, taking into consideration the economies of transportation by rail, water, and highway and the natural direction of the flow of commerce;
(2) investigate the causes of congestion of commerce at ports and applicable remedies;
(3) investigate the subject of water terminals, including the necessary docks, warehouses, and equipment, to devise and suggest the types most appropriate for different locations and for the most expeditious and economical transfer or interchange of passengers or property between water carriers and rail carriers;
(4) consult with communities on the appropriate location and plan of construction of wharves, piers, and water terminals;
(5) investigate the practicability and advantages of harbor, river, and port improvements in connection with foreign and coastwise trade; and
(6) investigate any other matter that may tend to promote and encourage the use by vessels of ports adequate to care for the freight that naturally would pass through those ports.
(b) Submission of Findings to Surface Transportation Board.— After an investigation under subsection (a), if the Secretary of Transportation believes that the rates or practices of a rail carrier subject to the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board are detrimental to the objective specified in subsection (a), or that new rates or practices, new or additional port terminal facilities, or affirmative action by a rail carrier is necessary to promote that objective, the Secretary may submit findings to the Board for action the Board considers appropriate under existing law.
(c) Port Infrastructure Development Program.—
(1) Establishment of program.— The Secretary of Transportation, through the Maritime Administrator, shall establish a port infrastructure development program for the improvement of port facilities as provided in this subsection.
(2) Authority of the administrator.— In order to carry out any project under the program established under paragraph (1), the Administrator may—
(A) receive funds provided for the project from Federal, non-Federal, and private entities that have a specific agreement or contract with the Administrator to further the purposes of this subsection;
(B) coordinate with other Federal agencies to expedite the process established under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) for the improvement of port facilities to improve the efficiency of the transportation system, to increase port security, or to provide greater access to port facilities;
(C) seek to coordinate all reviews or requirements with appropriate local, State, and Federal agencies; and
(D) provide such technical assistance to port authorities or commissions or their subdivisions and agents as needed for project planning, design, and construction.
(3) Port infrastructure development fund.—
(A) Establishment.— There is a Port Infrastructure Development Fund for use by the Administrator in carrying out projects under the port infrastructure development program. The Fund shall be available to the Administrator—
(i) to administer and carry out projects under the program;
(ii) to receive Federal, non-Federal, and private funds from entities which have specific agreements or contracts with the Administrator; and
(iii) to make refunds for projects that will not be completed.
(B) Credits.— There may be deposited into the Fund—
(i) funds from Federal, non-Federal, and private entities which have agreements or contracts with the Administrator and which shall remain in the Fund until expended or refunded; and
(ii) such amounts as may be appropriated or transferred, subject to subparagraph (C), to the Fund under this subsection.
(C) Transfers.—
(i) In general.— Subject to clauses (ii) and (iii), amounts appropriated or otherwise made available for any fiscal year for a marine facility or intermodal facility that includes maritime transportation may be transferred, at the option of the recipient of such amounts, to the Fund and administered by the Administrator as a component of a project under the program.
(ii) Prohibition on transfers.— Except as provided in clause (iii), no funds appropriated or made available under title 23 or chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code, including funds from the Highway Trust Fund (section 9503(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986), funds from the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund (section 9503(e) of Internal Revenue Code of 1986), and funds provided for public transportation programs within the mass transit category (as defined in section 250(c)(4)(C) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985), shall be transferred into the Fund.
(iii) Exception.—
(I) In general.— Amounts described in subclause (II) are eligible for transfer into the Fund if—
(aa) the recipient of the amounts has a specific agreement or contract with the Administrator;
(bb) the Department of Transportation agency that administers the amounts to be transferred has granted project approval for each component of the project that is to be funded using such amounts;
(cc) the Department of Transportation agency that administers the amounts to be transferred and the Maritime Administration agree to the transfer through a signed Memorandum of Understanding; and
(dd) the amounts will be used only to carry out the project for which funds were approved, and in accordance with any conditions governing the amounts under title 23 or chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code.
(II) Amounts described.— The amounts referred to in subclause (I) are amounts appropriated or made available—
(aa) for loans, loan guarantees, or lines of credit under chapter 6 of title 23, United States Code, for a project eligible under such chapter to facilitate direct intermodal exchange, transfer, and access into and out of a port as defined under section 601(a)(8)(D)(iii) of such title, as in effect on the date of enactment of this subsection; or
(bb) for projects under title XII of division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111–5).
(D) Limitation on statutory construction.— Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or otherwise affect existing authorities to conduct port infrastructure programs in Hawaii (as authorized by section 9008 of Public Law 109–59), Alaska (as authorized by section 10205 of Public Law 109–59), or Guam (as authorized by section 3512 of Public Law 110–417).
(4) Authorization of appropriations.— There are authorized to be appropriated to the Fund such sums as may be necessary to carry out the program, taking into account amounts received under paragraph (3)(A)(ii).