Good Faith

having no intention to commit fraud or act dishonestly

Grand Jury

An American criminal justice system procedure wherein a group of 16-23 citizens hold an inquiry on criminal complaints brought by the prosecutor in order to decide if a trial is 

Grandfather Clause

a provision, usually found in a law, that exempts an action that already transpired; permission to continue engaging in certain activities based on the duration of the act

Green Card

entitlement for an alien to work and reside in the United States on a permanent basis


A claim by a union or unionized employee that a collective bargaining agreement has been breached.

Grievance Arbitration

The resolution of a dispute as to an alleged grievance by arbitration.

Gross Negligence

The commission or omission of an action in reckless disregard of the consequences to the safety or property of another.


An individual who, by legal document, is given custody of both the property and the person of one who is unable to manage their own affairs, such as a child or mentally-disabled person.

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