115.091. Oath of election judge.

Oath of election judge.

115.091. On commissioning or before entering upon his duties, eachelection judge shall take and subscribe the following oath:

I solemnly swear that I will impartially discharge the duties

of judge according to law, to the best of my ability and that

I will not disclose how any voter has voted unless I am

required to do so as a witness in a proper judicial

proceeding. I also affirm that I will not allow any person

to vote who is not entitled to vote and that I will make no

statement nor give any information of any kind tending in any

way to show the state of the count prior to the close of the

polls on election day.

Sworn and subscribed to before

me this ..........day of ........, 20......................... Judge of Election


Election Authority (Judge of Election)

witnessing oath

(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 3.030)

Effective 1-1-78