
form of government with a single person as decision-maker; a single ruler


the degree of attention or care required of a person in a given situation


peaceful representations between states


an official representative of a state, present in another state for the purposes of general representation of the state-of-origin or for the purpose of specific international negotiations on behalf of the diplomat's state-of-origin.

Diplomatic Immunity

Immunity extended to diplomat officers from criminal and civil jurisdiction of their host state.

Direct Evidence

Evidence in the form of recounting personal observations or a document which directly establishes a fact sought to be proven.

Direct Tax

A tax demanded from the very persons who it is intended or desired should pay it.

Directed Verdict

When the Court stops a trial determining that an essential fact has not been proven.


to revoke an attorney's right to practice law due to some malfeasance


Miscellaneous expenses other than lawyer fees and court costs which paid on behalf of another person and for which reimbursement will eventually be demanded of that person.