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Sales Overview

Sales Overview

Door to Door Sales:Door to door sales is a type of direct sales technique where a salesperson will try and establish a direct relationship with a consumer in order to sell a specif..

Using Foursquare For Business: 7 Lessons

Using Foursquare For Business: 7 Lessons

Foursquare business marketing is taking off as one of the latest trends in social media and networking.  While Foursquare, with only 10 million users in the United States, ..

What Are Interest Rates

What Are Interest Rates

What are Interest Rates?An interest rate refers to the rate at which is interest is required by a borrower for the use of credit. For example, if a consumer opens a credit line via..

An Overview of the 26th Amendment

An Overview of the 26th Amendment

What is the 26th Amendment?“Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United S..