Search Results

286. Social Media Marketing Tips
Everything About Social Media Marketing Tips     Is your law firm using great social media marketing tactics?  41 percent of lawyers today have gotten clients because of social media, and there's no reason that your firm should be left out.  This guide will give you five (and a half!) tips for social media marketing that can change how you th..
287. Social Media Marketing Tools
Social Media Marketing Tools   Everything About Social Media Marketing Tools Using social media as a marketing tool can expand your client base and build your brand with businesses and consumers.  As of 2012, 20 percent of law firms have hired a full-time staffer to monitor and expand their social media presence.  Social media marketing tools can make it easier for your company to..
288. Steps to Succession Success: Marketing During Transitions
Steps to Succession Success: Marketing During Transitions   Law firm marketing is never easy in these times, but with the oldest Baby Boomers approaching 70 years old, it's important for legal practitioners to understand how succession can impact their marketing.  If you're trading on the names and business of your senior partners, you'll want to have a succession plan in place to make sure that your firm ..
289. Streaming Video on Legal Websites: Frequently Asked Questions
Streaming Video on Legal Websites: Frequently Asked Questions   One of the best tools for advertising on legal websites is streaming video.  If you're not already doing some streaming video on your website, you are missing out on a tool that can give you a 50 percent reduction in bounce rates.  Ignoring streaming video isn't something most law firms can afford to do in today's competitive legal market.&nb..
290. The 7 Biggest Law Firm Social Media Mistakes
The 7 Biggest Law Firm Social Media Mistakes Let's face it, most law firms don't have the kind of budget they'd need to hire someone to do social media full time.  That means that when law firm social media marketing happens, it's usually done by someone who's wearing a lot of hats.  If you're trying to do social media marketing as part of other job duties, you need to know the bigg..
291. The Art and Science of SEO Analysis for Lawyers
The Art and Science of SEO Analysis for Lawyers Is science really a part of doing marketing for a law firm?  Absolutely.  SEO analysis, which is the single best way to tell you whether your search engine optimization efforts have met their goals, works using reliable methods of scientific and statistical analysis.  That part scares some marketing professionals, but search is still the most popular way to fi..
292. The Best SEO Services For Lawyers: Good Signs/Red Flags
The Best SEO Services For Lawyers: Good Signs/Red Flags When you outsource search engine optimization, you want the best SEO service you can afford.  But how can you tell if a particular SEO service is great—or whether they're just pretending to be?  Here, we'll take a look at some different indicators that you might see when you look into the best SEO services.  You'll find out whether these indi..
293. The End of Keyword SEO: 6 Alternatives for 2013
The End of Keyword SEO: 6 Alternatives for 2013   For a decade, the pinnacle of search engine optimization was keyword loading, which depended on using a certain search term as a particular percentage of your overall content.  However, as search algorithms have become more sophisticated and search engines have begun using humans to curate search results, especially for popular search terms, keyword loading h..
294. The End of SEO? Where Legal Marketing Goes Next
The End of SEO?  Where Legal Marketing Goes Next For nearly ten years, search engine optimization, or SEO, was one of the main techniques that web marketers used to get their website noticed by major search engines.  However, recent events have changed how the biggest search engines list their results.  Updates to Google in the last 24 months have affected over 20 percent of pages on the internet, and your websit..
295. The Lawyer SEO Guide: What's Hot, What's Not
The Lawyer SEO Guide: What's Hot, What's Not Law firm SEO has been changing as rapidly as the rest of the web in recent years.  Today, with about 85 percent of legal clients doing research online before they decide on an attorney to hire, SEO for lawyers has become more than just a cool tech tool.  Today, lawyer SEO is a necessity for any attorney who wants to stay economically viable.  Keep reading t..
296. The Lawyer's Guide to One Way Link Building
The Lawyer's Guide to One Way Link Building Today, the biggest catchphrase in link building is “one way link building.”  One way links are considered to be the highest quality links available, and these “backlinks” can help you to market your law firm and get to the top of searches.  Of companies that have recently begun using a formal SEO process, only 37 percent are currently ..
297. The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing A few years ago, marketing on Facebook was something only a few law firms did, and it was considered something of a fad.  Now, with recent statistics indicating that over half of American adults have a Facebook account, you can't keep overlooking Facebook marketing for too much longer.  Don't worry—it doesn't have to be difficult, and if you do it..
298. The Ultimate SEO Strategy Guide For Law Firms
The Ultimate SEO Strategy Guide For Law Firms You're trying to keep up with the latest SEO strategies, but you keep getting conflicting information from different sources.  Why do different SEO strategy guides suggest completely different ways of doing things?  Why are guides looking forward to 2013 suggesting different strategies from articles written just a few years ago?  Keep reading to find out. ..
299. Think Mobile: 8 Reasons Mobile Marketing Is Here to Stay
Think Mobile: 8 Reasons Mobile Marketing Is Here to Stay   When you give your phone number out to someone today, do you give your home landline number, or a mobile number?  For an increasing number of Americans, cell phones are an important part of life—in fact, over a third of Americans report that they no longer even have a landline phone.  As mobile phones get smarter and more common, law firms should s..
300. Tips for Lawfirms! Direct Benefits of Social Media Marketing
Tips for Lawfirms! Direct Benefits of Social Media Marketing Everything About Benefits of Social Media MarketingWhen you start to consider online social media marketing, it's probably because of the huge numbers of lawyers starting to use this kind of outreach as part of their marketing campaigns.  Social media marketing statistics indicate that social media and blogging can generate anywhere from $5,000 to $200,000 in new business ..