Search Results

46. Student Loan Consolidation
Is Student Loan Consolidation Right For You?Student loan consolidation combines many parent or student loans into just one bigger loan that comes from a single lender, which is used to pay off the multiple balances on the original loans. The idea of a student loan consolidation is similar to that of refinancing a mortgage. Student loan consolidation services are available for t..
47. Top Environmental and Land Use Law Blogs
Environmental and Land Use   The study of law can often be a confusing and difficult undertaking, and as a result is often confined to those who are trained in the field of law to understand.  Blogs, however, can be a great way for information to disseminate, and at a much more palatable level.  With the rise of the “Green Movement”, the th..
48. Top Human Rights Organizations
Top Human Rights Organizations Human Rights Organizations The DNA sequences between humans and chimpanzees are 98.5% similar; the similarity is 99.9% between humans. As we know today, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. Unfortunately, for humans, that 0.1% difference fuels the hate ..
49. Transgender Surgeries Now Covered by SF Health Plan
Transgender Surgeries Now Covered by SF Health Plan   In a decision considered a major victory by transgender activists and outraged social conservative groups, the San Francisco Health Commission voted earlier this month to allow sex reassignment surgeries to be covered under the city's local government-funded universal health plan. San Francisco became one of the first jurisdictions in the United States to ..
50. ttttest
51. U.S. Senate
U.S. Senate A Look at the U.S. SenateThe U.S. government consists of three branches of government, the judicial branch, executive branch, and the legislative branch. The legislative branch is then further broken down into the Senate and the House of Representative, together being referred to as the Congress.The Senate is made up of two Senators from each state, for a total of 100 Senators...
52. United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
What is the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission? (CPSC)Created in 1972, The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is an independent government agency of the United States Federal Government. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) was created through the Consumer Product Safety Act; the primary goal of the organization is to fi..
53. what are common elder laws?
54. What crimes are consider criminal law crimes?
55. what does mediation training involve
What training is involved in mediation? In the context of legal history mediation is a relatively new and ever evolving field in the legal environment.  This being said there is currently no state in the Union that requires an individual to be certified or even have any kind of training in order to be a mediator.  Many states, however, do require that an indi..
56. What happens if a car is blocking a driveway?
57. What is the Library of Congress Catalog?
IntroductionSince its inception as a legal resource for Congress, the Library of Congress’s catalogue has expanded significantly to reflect a growing function as a repository for significant academic and cultural works of the English language.  The Library of Congress also maintains a unique classification system which is generally used as the standard by scholarly sourc..
58. What Mediation Services Exist?
What Mediation Services Exist? What kind of mediation services exist?Mediation services include a plethora of options.  Mediation is a private industry and as such there are numerous options that exist.  Mediators specialize in all backgrounds of business and law.  Through a simple search one can find mediators to help with a contract dispute, divorce, eldercare, discrimination, estate plannin..
59. What training is required to be a mediator?
What training is involved in mediation? In the context of legal history mediation is a relatively new and ever evolving field in the legal environment.  This being said there is currently no state in the Union that requires an individual to be certified or even have any kind of training in order to be a mediator.  Many states, however, do require that an indi..